Saturday, August 20, 2011

Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind is exactly what I am trying to acquire during my journey in South Africa. I want to figure out why God has placed me here and if I am fulfilling the purpose that he has for me. I have always been an advocate for service and making a difference in the community, but how can I, an American, make a difference in Cape Town in only 4 weeks. With all the problems and dilemmas that many youth and citizens face everyday there is so much I want to do to help. As a result, I find my mind wondering all over the place about possible programs or solutions to help alleviate these problems. However, where would I get the resources or where would the starting point to these solutions begin.

The Adult IT training initially was a waste of time in my eyes. How and why could we teach middle-aged women how to use the computer in 2 weeks? It was clear that many of the women couldn’t use this skill to obtain a job so why even bother teaching them. My naïve and oblivious thoughts were changed during the two weeks when I noticed the learners gaining confidence and their self-esteem changing. It was then that I realized that I was there to touch and motivate the lives of those in Manenberg. Although I couldn’t provide jobs to alleviate the poverty in Manenberg, I could inspire a mother to push her child to obtain an adequate education. Which would then pull somebody out of poverty.

Spiritually I was able to find piece of mind during the hike on Table Mountain. While sitting and reflecting on all my activities I have done thus far, I realized the grace of God. How he showed favor on me to experience this trip. It could have easily been any other student at Vanderbilt University, but God showed allowed my fellow classmates and me to come this far.

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